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President Campo

Welcome to Ashland University. Ashland was founded with a clear sense of serving others through quality educational programs, and, as you read through these pages, you are sure to find that the heart of the University still focuses on quality and serving the individual, some 140 years after it was established. As with any catalog, you will also find the information here that you need to navigate our many offerings, and gain insight about the Ashland University campus experience. You will read our mission, vision and values, find information on our academic programs, tuition, and so much more. Yet, we hope that you will also gain a sense of who we are, because it is the people of Ashland University, each created to fulfill a particular, God-given purpose, that make it so special.

Ashland University has a rich tradition that combines respect for each individual through a commitment to Judeo-Christian values. Ashland University’s emphasis on the unique educational interests and trajectory of every student, reflected in our recurring motto and core value, “Accent on the Individual,” has created a campus environment that is compassionate, responsive and challenging. We are focused on the "main thing": Educating students to their highest potential so that they can reach their goals in life. We focus on the serious ideas that have animated history, and are serious about learning—a critical investment in your future.

Established on 135 acres and set in one of the state’s most picturesque regions, AU has much of which to be proud: a faculty committed to teaching excellence, a fine staff, an exceptional student body, affordable tuition, one of the best DII athletic programs in the country, fine facilities, distinguished alumni, and a community that recognizes our safe campus as a vital educational, economic, and cultural resource for Northeast Ohio.

One of Ashland University’s great strengths is our rich tradition. From our humble founding in 1878 to the present day, our primary focus is on our students’ success. Our highly qualified faculty and staff offer programs that help students reach their goals. We create opportunities in and out of the classroom for students, faculty and staff to work and learn together, promoting an atmosphere of love and respect. We are proud that our students bring with them the unique values of their communities, and that our students gain the knowledge and skills that effectively prepare them to live and work in a rapidly changing, global world.

This catalog will be a guide for you, as you literally and figuratively navigate your way through Ashland’s programs, places and people. From your first semester through a graduate program, the details, contact information and general knowledge you need will be found right here.

At Ashland University, we promise to produce graduates who will "work, serve and lead with integrity." To fulfill our mission, we educate the whole person, believing that as you seek truth you will grow and flourish.

Thank you for being a part of Ashland University and Eagle Nation, a place filled with tradition that invites you to devise your own and add to the legacy of this special place.

Carlos Campo, PhD
