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Bachelor of Science with a comprehensive major in Mathematics

This program is designed for those students who wish to pursue a career in science, with heavy emphasis on mathematics.

Course Number and Title



CS 101 Logic and Computing


2 years H.S. Algebra

MATH 205 Calculus I


MATH 111 or Equivalent

MATH 206 Calculus II


MATH 205

MATH 223 Discrete Mathematics I


3 years H.S. College Prep. Math

MATH 230 Mathematical Modeling


MATH 206, 223

MATH 250 Mathematical Proof


MATH 223

MATH 305 Calculus III


MATH 206

MATH 307 Linear Algebra


MATH 202, 206, or 224

MATH 415 Abstract Algebra


MATH 223, 250, 307

MATH 417 Real Analysis


MATH 250, 305

MATH 450 Seminar


Jr. or Sr. Status

Choose One:



MATH 108 Introductory Statistics


MATH 100 or ACT 18 or SAT 480

MATH 318 Mathematical Statistics


MATH 250, 305, 317

Electives: Choose 3 courses from:



CS 302 Theory of Computation


MATH 224, 250

MATH 224 Discrete Mathematics II


MATH 223

MATH 308 Operations Research


MATH 224 or MATH 230

MATH 309 History of Mathematics


MATH 206 or 202, and MATH 223

MATH 311 Modern Geometry


MATH 206, 223, 250

MATH 313 Differential Equations


MATH 305

MATH 317 Probability


MATH 223, 250; 202 or 206

MATH 319 Number Theory


MATH 206, 223, 250

MATH 341 Applied Regression Analysis


MATH 108 or 318

MATH 498 Independent Study


Jr. or Sr. Status

Cognate (Choose at least 9 credit hours from one of the following cognates):



Computer Science Cognate:



Any 3 Computer Science Courses except CS 101 and CS 302



Economics Cognate (Any 3 of the following):



BANA 348 Business Analytics I


MATH 108 or MATH 318

BANA 448 Business Analytics II


BANA 348

ECON 301 Game Theory


Core math/logic

ECON 321 Public Finance


ECON 232

ECON 332 Inter. Microeconomics


ECON 232

Mathematics Cognate:



Any 3 additional Mathematics Electives from the list above



Physics Cognate:



PHYS 205 University Physics I


MATH 206

PHYS 206 University Physics II


PHYS 205

Science electives*



Total Hours

60 hrs.


Plus Institutional Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

*Electives may be from biology, chemistry, computer science, cybersecurity, geology, mathematics, physics or software design & development, excluding Math 100 and 110 and excluding Math 111, 201, 202 if taken after Math 205 was successfully completed.

Courses and Descriptions

See BANA Courses

See BIO Courses

See CHEM Courses

See CS Courses

See ECON Courses

See GEOL Courses

See MATH Courses

See PHYS Courses

See SDD Courses

See SEC Courses