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RN to BSN Post-licensure Program

Admission Requirements:

Registered nurses (RN) are provided the knowledge and skills to advance their nursing careers and build on their basic nursing education. They have the opportunity to earn the baccalaureate degree in nursing while building a strong foundation in the arts, sciences, and humanities.

To facilitate access to baccalaureate education for working registered nurses, all nursing courses for the RN to BSN program are offered in an online format. Full and part- time study is available. Non-nursing courses are available online.

Admission requirements:

Complete the RN to BSN application form and submit official transcripts from all institutions of higher education. Hold a current, valid license (a license that is not inactive, suspended, revoked, or subject to restrictions, and for which the individual continues to meet all requirements for issuance) to practice as a registered nurse in one U.S. state or territory, or be enrolled in a RN licensure program, or be a graduate of a RN program and eligible for the NCLEX. Students admitted without a current, valid license shall adhere to additional program progression requirements.

Clinical Locations

RN to BSN student clinical experiences are designed to be meaningful and supportive, contributing to the student learning and work setting.  All clinical experiences for NUR 405 clinical projects will utilize a clinical affiliation agreement.  Students are permitted to complete projects at their place of employment with a clinical affiliation agreement in place.  Students will work with their supervisors to determine a clinical project that can be completed at the student’s place of employment to meet course learning outcomes.  Unemployed students will be placed in an appropriate clinical agency to complete clinical projects, also with a clinical affiliation agreement.  Clinical projects will be approved through a course contract with faculty approval.  The student must provide evidence that all clinical requirements listed in the Nursing Student Handbook are completed 30 days before the first day of NUR 405. Failure to upload completed clinical requirements into the electronic tracking system (Typhon) by this deadline can result in loss of clinical placement and withdrawal from the course.

Readmission to RN to BSN Nursing Program

Students who have withdrawn from the RN to BSN program for personal reasons are to notify the Online/Adult college admissions counselor and the RN to BSN program director of intent to return.

Students who are readmitted to the nursing program are subject to the degree and graduation requirements in the AU catalog and nursing student handbook at the time of readmission.

If a student is dismissed from the RN to BSN program for academic performance or conduct reasons, the Nursing Department Admission and Progression Committee will determine if a student will be readmitted to the nursing program. Students may be readmitted to the nursing program no more than one time.

Readmission Criteria:

  1. Applicant continues to meet RN to BSN program admission criteria.

  2. Applicant’s stated reason for requesting readmission.

  3. Past academic performance and any work completed while absent is evaluated to determine potential for success.

  4. Applicant’s ability to complete the program within the 6-year requirement.

International Student Admission to the RN to BSN Program

In addition to the nursing program admission requirements, international students will also need to meet the following requirement:

  • Applicants will need to have passed the NCLEX examination and be licensed to practice nursing in the United States

Degree Requirements: 

Nursing and non-nursing degree requirements are used toward the 30 required semester hours of Ashland University credit. RN to BSN program proficiency credit may be earned for a maximum of two nursing courses. The last 12 semester hours earned before graduation must be earned from AU.

RN to BSN Program Required Courses:

(Offered Online)

Course Number and Title



NUR 302 Theoretical Bases



NUR 303 Individual Health


RN license or Approval

NUR 309 International/Transcultural Perspectives



NUR 325 Intro to Informatics in Healthcare


RN license or approval

NUR 336 Genetics in Nursing and Health Care



NUR 362 Research & Evidence Based Practice



NUR 405 Health Care Systems


MATH 108, NUR 302, 303, 309, 362

NUR 408 Legal, Ethical, Political Persp.


MATH 108, NUR 302, 303, 309, 362

NUR 414 Community & Public Health


NUR 302, 309

Total Hours

27 hrs.


Required Non-Nursing Courses



BIO 125 Anatomy & Physiology I



BIO 126 Anatomy & Physiology II


BIO 125

MATH 108 Introductory Statistics


MATH 100 or ACT 18 or SAT 480

Choose one from:



BIO 240 Microbiology for Nursing


Nursing Major

BIO 340 Microbiology


BIO 201, CHEM 104, or permission

Choose one from:



Philosophy Course from Dept. PHIL



REL 220 Taking Human Life



Choose one from:



PSYC 101 Gen. Psych.



PSYC 209 Dev. Psych



Total Hours

19 hrs.


Plus remaining Institutional Baccalaureate Degree Requirements. Also, see Transfer Policy

Course and Descriptions

See BIO Courses

See CHEM Courses

See DIET Courses

See MATH Courses

See NUR Courses

See PHIL Courses

See PSYC Courses

See REL Courses

*CONHS program student handbooks with additional policies pertaining to the program may be accessed as a Catalog addendum.

Elective Concentration:

Courses may be taken as needed to obtain 120 credit hours for degree completion. Student will work with their advisor for this option. Options include, but are not limited to the following: Design Your Own (e.g., nursing electives, management electives, and/or other electives) and Nurse Educator or School Nurse Certificate.

For information on the certificate programs, see the Graduate section of this catalog. Students selecting the certificate concentration will work with an advisor to petition to take 3 graduate-level courses concurrently while earning the BSN, and upon graduation will be prepared to apply and finish the certificate program requirements.