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Business Analytics Major:

Candidates for the BSBA degree with a major in Business Analytics must complete the following course requirements as well as an approved minor or second major. Candidates must also complete the Institutional Baccalaureate Degree requirements, including the CCI requirement.

Course Number and Title



BANA 348 Business Analytics I


MATH 108 or MATH 318

BANA 448 Business Analytics II


BANA 348

MGT 340 Management Science


MIS 221, MATH 108

MIS 470 Database Management



MIS 472 Business Intelligence, Analytics, & Data Visualization


MIS 221 or CS 121

Choose 5 Courses From



ACCT 321 Business Spreadsheets


ACCT 201 or MIS 221

ECON 449 Research in Business Analytics


BANA 448 or MIS 472 or MGT 340

MIS 346 E-Commerce


MIS 221, MGT 240 or MKT 233

MIS 370 Programming for Business I


MIS 221

MKT 311 Market Analysis & Research


MKT 233

MKT 326 Consumer Behavior


MKT 233

SCM 351 Lean Production & Quality


MGT 319

BUS 339 Internship


Soph. Status

CS 121 Computer Programming I


CS 101

MATH 341 Applied Regression Analysis


MATH 108 or MATH 318

SEC 185 Cyber Ethics




30 hrs.


Core Requirements from Business & Economics



Core Req. from other disciplines



Total Hours

70-73 hrs.


Note: This major may only be taken as part of the BSBA degree, including the BSBA Core Requirements. Note: Courses may not count both in the required area and the elective area

*Note: The Internship must be related to the major and pre-approved by the COBE Internship Coordinator.

Courses and Descriptions

See ACCT Courses

See BANA Courses

See BUS Courses

See CS Courses

See ECON Courses

See MATH Courses

See MGT Courses

See MIS Courses

See MKT Courses

See SCM Courses

See SEC Courses