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Finance Major:

Candidates for the BSBA degree with a major in Finance must complete the following course requirements as well as an approved minor or second major. Candidates must also complete the Institutional Baccalaureate Degree requirements, including the CCI requirement.

Finance Core

Course Number and Title



ECON 334 Money and Banking


ECON 233

FIN 327 Risk & Insurance


MATH 108 or MATH 318

FIN 329 Int. Financial Mgmt.


FIN 228

FIN 330 Principles of Investment


FIN 228

FIN 420 Financial Mgmt. Strat.


FIN 329, Sr. Status

Total Hrs.


Plus one of the following two tracks

Asset Management Track

Course Number and Title



FIN 358 Fin. Stment Anal./Sec. Val.


FIN 228

FIN 429 Global Finance


FIN 228

Choose three of the following courses:



*BUS 339 Internship


Soph. Status

FIN 322 Per. Asset Mgmt.


Soph. Status

FIN 422 Security Analysis


FIN 330

FIN 432 Eagle Investment Portfolio I


FIN 422, Fin. Maj.

FIN 442 Eagle Investment Portfolio II


FIN 432, Fin. Maj.

FIN 454 Spec. Topics in Fin.


FIN 228

ACCT 321 Bus. Spreadsheets


ACCT 201, MIS 221

MGT 402 Business Law II


MGT 401


15 hrs.


Corporate Track

Course Number and Title



ACCT 321 Business Spreadsheets


ACCT 201, MIS 221

Choose one of the following:


ACCT 207 Int. Accounting I


ACCT 201

BANA 348 Business Analytics I


MATH 108 or MATH 318

Choose three of the following courses:



ACCT 208 Int. Accounting II


ACCT 207

BANA 448 Business Analytics II


BANA 348

*BUS 339 Internship


Soph. Status

FIN 322 Pers. Asset Mgmt.


Soph. Status

FIN 358 Fin. Statement Anal./Sec. Val.


FIN 228

FIN 422 Security Analysis


FIN 330

FIN 429 Global Finance


FIN 228

FIN 432 Eagle Investment Group I


FIN 422, Fin. Maj.

FIN 442 Eagle Investment Group II


FIN 432, Fin. Maj.

FIN 454 Spec. Top. In Fin.


FIN 228

MGT 402 Business Law II


MGT 401


15 hrs.


Core Requirements from Business & Economics



Core Req. from other disciplines



Total Hours

70-73 hrs.


Note: This major may only be taken as part of the BSBA degree, including the BSBA Core Requirements.

Note: The Internship must be related to the major and pre-approved by the COBE Internship Coordinator.

Courses and Descriptions

See ACCT Courses

See BANA Courses

See BUS Courses

See ECON Courses

See FIN Courses

See MGT Courses