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U.S. Government and Politics Certificate Program

Department of History and Political Science

The College of Arts and Sciences


Katherine T. Brown, College of Arts and Sciences


Ashland University Graduate Faculty

John Moser, Professor of History

Jeffrey Sikkenga, Professor of Political Science

Christopher Burkett, Associate Professor of Political Science

Gregory McBrayer, Assistant Professor of Political Science

Cara Rogers, Assistant Professor of History

Jason Stevens, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science

U.S. Government and Politics Certificate Program

This program will provide masters-level instruction in U.S. government and politics, but is designed for those who do not wish to pursue (or who have already completed) a full master’s program. It will require 18 credit hours (nine courses, each worth two credit hours), taken either online or in intensive week-long seminars offered in Ashland during the summers.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with a cumulative undergraduate grade point average at least 2.75 on a 4.00 scale OR a 3.00 graduate GPA in at least 12 semester hours of coursework beyond the bachelor’s level. Applicants with an undergraduate GPA of below 2.75 may be considered for admission on a conditional basis.

How to Apply

Applications can be submitted online at

The following materials must be submitted to finalize the application process:

  1. Completed Ashland University Application

  2. Submit a $30 application fee

  3. Submit official academic transcript(s) from an accredited institutions of higher education documenting completion of an undergraduate degree. Sent transcripts to:

Ashland University

Attn: Enrollment Services

401 College Avenue

Ashland, OH 44805

Official electronic transcripts should be submitted to:

For further information, contact the MAHG program office at 419.289.5411 or email:

U.S. Government and Politics Certificate Program Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the U.S. Government and Politics Certificate program, the student will be able to:

  1. Students will evaluate important original texts and documents in light of their sources, the reasons they were produced, and important historical and political facts relevant to where, when and why they were produced.

  2. Students will analyze texts through identification of arguments, assumptions and relevant facts, through appraisal of the validity of inferences and deductions, and through comparison and contrast of arguments in two or more sources.

  3. Students will interpret texts by articulating the meaning of the sources in their historical and political context and the effect and importance of the sources in history

U.S. Government and Politics Certificate Program

Course Number and Title



Choose from the following courses:



POLSC 501 The American Revolution



POLSC 502 The American Founding



POLSC 503 Sectionalism and Civil War



POLSC 505 The Progressive Era



POLSC 506 The Rise of Modern America



POLSC 507 Lincoln


POLSC 510 Great American Texts*



POLSC 630 American Statesmen*



POLSC 631 American Political Rhetoric



POLSC 632 The American Presidency I, Washington to Lincoln



POLSC 633 The American Presidency II, Johnson to the Present



POLSC 641 Supreme Court



POLSC 642 Political Parties



POLSC 643 Constitutional Rights and Powers*



POLSC 644 Congress



POLSC 660 Topics in American History and Government*



Total Hours

18 Hrs.


*Specific subject matter covered in these courses varies, so each may be taken more than once with the permission of the chair. However, each must include significant attention to U.S. government in order to count toward this certificate.

Courses and Descriptions

See POLSC Courses